Sunday, February 3, 2013

"Mommy, Are We Rich"?

My Ethan asked me today if "we are rich". He said his Kindegarten teacher told him that being rich means you have a lot of money. I told him "well that's not totally true, because being rich could have a lot of meanings". But to answer your question, "yes we are rich because we have a whole lot of love and support for each other and we are very rich in spirit, so that makes us extremely rich."

Living a rich life can mean having a lot of money to some, being worry free to others, or living life to the fullest by your own standards of what makes you happy.

My late friend... mentor... sister... and second mother Author and Motivational Speaker Sarah Rachel Berry, believed in living a life that brings you true joy. Spending time with family, friends and giving back to others is what made her happy. She gave to everyone around her with love and through service, even as she battled with cancer for the last two years. I attended her Women's Conference "Living a Rich Life", in December 2012. It was a fabulous event where women came together and celebrated being mothers, daughters, sisters, grandmothers, business owners and stewards of service.

Our children should know that our lives are "rich". Not just because we have lots of money in the bank, but because they have all the love in our hearts and all the support they need to make all of their dreams come true.

Thank you Sarah for that great lesson.  Love and Miss you babe.

Sarah Rachel Berry June 22, 1958-January 9, 2013