Monday, April 8, 2013

Strategy # 8
Empower Your Child...Then Trust Their Judgment- "Giving our children the foundation of making good choices, is powerful"

How many of us know that we are constantly talking to our children. Telling and "coaxing" them to make good choices, but when it is time for them to make a choice by themselves, we intervene or try to control them?

I was guilty of this myself... however, I realized very early while raising my children that if we give our children a voice, empower them to be assertive, speak up for themselves and make good chioices... we also have to trust them to make a good choice when we are not around. 

As parents, it is very easy to give our children power then take it back when; we assume they won't make a good choice or we don't allow them to make a choice (like when we try to control their every move or choice). We want our children to be healthy mentally, emotionally and socially. And we need them to be able to make the right chioice, whether we are around or not.

That small but large task while parenting, is what empowers, encourages, gives our children good self esteem/concept and builds on their integrity, something they will need as they make life's choices. This encourages them to make good choices and more importantly, be themselves...regardless.

And of course this parental task must start early. We parents set the tone very early with our children of whether we trust them or not. It is important for us to always watch our own reaction and response so that our children know that we believe in them and trust they will "walk with integrity" throughout their lives.

Have a great Monday.

Book- "Real Talk: Ten Parenting Strategies to Raise Confident Successful Children" by Kumari Ghafoor-Davis, MSW
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