Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Ever Have One Of Those Days?

As parents, we are looked at as savers of the universe when our children need a ride to a friends house, or they need their homework brought back to school, because it was forgotten at home. We are considered superheroes when we fix a toy that has been broken.

But who fixes our problems? Our concerns?

While we are looked at to fix all of the problems our children have, we are sometimes hard on ourselves when we face our own challenges.

Over the last year, I have had a lot of loss. Loss of family, my best friend...income...probably part of my mind in some circumstances, when crappy situations have shown themselves.

But I  have come to accept that we may have to tell ourselves DAILY, that it is ok when we don't have all the answers. We may have to add... that we are still fabulous when we have days that aren't so great.

Sometimes we just have to realize that we are gonna be alright, despite what we are facing in the moment.

Our kids think we are pretty great... and I think they are right, we are!!!

Sometimes it is hard and life gets tough... but don't be so hard on yourself. You are doing the best you can.

Have a great nite.