Wow... did 2014 go by fast for you? Now that the holidays are over, kids are back to school and work has likely already become pretty busy... what have you decided that you are working on for the new year?
Are you trying to get some of that extra weight off that was gained over the holidays? Are you working on your relationships with your spouse, significant other? Do you want to make sure you have more time with the family? Do you need to make sure you have more "me" time? Do you want a better relationship with your children? Need to find more ways to communicate with them?
Or maybe the 2014 academic school year has been a challenge for your child, so you want to ensure you are more connected to their teachers or more involved in your child's goals for the remainder of the school year.
As parents, we always have little goals for ourselves, but many of us don't talk to our children about their goals or have a plan to follow through.
I have a contest running for the month of January offering one of my parenting books "Real Talk: Ten Parenting Strategies to Raise Confident Successful Children and a free consultation to two parents, who have goals for their own parenting this year, and/or have set up goals with their children and have a plan for execution. Drawing for the winner will be January 31, 2015. Winner will be contacted by email and/or cell/text message.
All you have to do is sit down with your children and talk to them about their goals and write down the action steps that both of you will take to execute the plan, then go on my website www.optimisticexpectations.com and on the contact page, give me your contact information and jot down the plan and action steps in the comment area.
We are all busy in general, but research has shown that when you tell someone your goals, you are more likely to follow through because of the accountability factor. If you keep it to yourself, no one knows you are working on it, so they will never ask you, "how is it going?".
Someone sent me a great new year message and part of it read "The difference between success and failure is action"...
Like life... we know that parenting is a journey, not a destiny. So what actions will you take this year in your parenting?
Hope to hear from you!
To great parenting.
Coach Kumari